Thursday, March 23, 2023


Easier Access To Permanent Residence For Physicians In Canada To Help Address Doctor Shortages

Doctors from all over the world who choose to come to Canada to work in our communities play a vital role in keeping us healthy and ensuring local access to family physicians at a time when our aging population needs it’s the most. As provinces and territories seek to attract and retain more foreign-trained doctors to help address shortages, the Government of Canada is making it easier for these doctors to call Canada home permanently.


After a meeting with family physicians and Healthy Pictou Community at the Aberdeen Hospital, the honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship announced changes to make it easier for foreign-born physicians to remain in Canada, so they can continue to practice in Canada and bolster our health care system.


Some physicians have faced barriers in accessing permanent residence through, Canada’s flagship programs for skilled workers managed under the Express Entry Systems, as the “fee for service” model used in Canada for health care professionals is outside of the traditional employer-employee relationship. As a result, some physicians are currently considered self-employed, leaving them unable to meet the eligibility criteria of the economic pathways for the permanent residency.


To address this challenge, Minister Fraser announced that IRCC is exempting physicians, who work in a fee for service model with public health authorities, from current requirements. This change recognizes the unique employment model used in Canada’s health care system, and will provide physicians with access to Canada’s economic permanent residence programs. This will mean that a greater number of those physicians already here and filling crucial vacancies in our health care sector can remain here permanently.


To help address labour shortages, IRCC is improving its immigration system to allow foreign nationals who are already in Canada to stay here and work. Immigration is key to helping employers fill hundreds of thousands of vacant positions across the country.


“In my province in particular, foreign-born physicians have been helping to keep families healthy and to take care of our aging population. Their skills are critical resources in our community, and it does not take long before they become our neighbors, friends, and fellow community leaders. Physicians resetting here in Nova Scotia or in other parts across the country is a win-win situation. The measures announced today signal to these physicians that we want them to stay, by making it easier for them to choose Canada as their permanent home.”

        -The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees &Citizenship


“Today’s news sends a clear signal that we want physicians to choose and remain in Nova Scotia. We applaud the federal government for removing barriers within their control, in partnership with community efforts like Healthy Pictou County and othe similar grassroots groups, to attract and retain physicians both locally and globally. We recognize that there are no easy answers, and we thank Minister Fraser for his personal efforts on behalf of the federal government.”

        -Murray Hill, Chair of Citizens for a Healthy Pictou County  

For more information please feel free to contact me on :

CEO - OM Group of Companies

An ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Company & CRISIL AAA Rated Company 

Head Office: 2nd floor, Indraprasth Avenue, Next to Urjita Hospital, V.I.P. Road, Karelibaug, 
Vadodara-390018, Gujarat, INDIA

Phone:+91-265-2480840 / 2464464 /164
Mobile+91-999 8157 999 / 9601051799
Office: +91-922 765 6606 / 08 / 09 


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"Arise; Awake & Stop NOT till your GOAL is reached." -- Swami Vivekananda

For more information please feel free to contact me on :

CEO - OM Group of Companies

An ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Company & CRISIL AAA Rated Company 

Head Office: 2nd floor, Indraprasth Avenue, Next to Urjita Hospital, V.I.P. Road, Karelibaug, 
Vadodara-390018, Gujarat, INDIA

Phone:+91-265-2480840 / 2464464 /164
Mobile+91-999 8157 999 / 9601051799
Office: +91-922 765 6606 / 08 / 09 


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"Arise; Awake & Stop NOT till your GOAL is reached." -- Swami Vivekananda


Employers In The Canadian Tech Industry Can Fast-Track Hiring highly Skilled Foreign Talent Through The Global Talent Stream...consult OM Visa Consultancy for more visa related queries


Employers In The Canadian Tech Industry Can Fast-Track Hiring highly Skilled Foreign Talent Through The Global Talent Stream

Canada currently has north of one million job vacancies across the country. These job vacancies are spread throughout nearly every employment sector, which is why Canada has created several programs to aid employers with hiring foreign talent.


One such programs, specific to highly skilled foreign professionals in the tech industry, is the Global Talent Stream(GTS).


The GTS is a fast tracked program employers cause to bring foreign talent to this country and allow them utilize their skills in the service of helping innovative Canadian Companies grow.


Part of Canada’s larger Global Talent Strategy and contained within the Temporary Foreign Worker Program(TFWP), the GTS expedites the processing of work permit applications and temporary resident visas(if applicable) so that qualified applicants can start working in around two weeks from the date of submission.


Accordingly, this program also works to benefit the general Canadian tech landscape, as it ensures the organizations in the space can quickly access the talent they need to continue thrive.



Two exemptions under the Global Talent Stream enable certain applicants to enter Canada without a work permit.


First, “highly-skilled workers in still type 0 or skill level A occupations of the NOC”  will not require a permit under this program if they are working in Canada for a period of 15 days over six months or 30 days over 12 months.


Additionally, researchers coming to Canada will not need a work permit should they be working Canada for a period of 120 days over 12 months “on research projects at a publicly funded degree granting institution or affiliated research institution”


Breaking down the Global Talent Stream

Under the Global Talent Stream, there are two distinct categories:


High growth companies who are referred to GTS by one of over 40 designated referral partners (in Canada, excluding Quebec) and can demonstrate the need to the hire “unique specialized talent from abroad”.


The list of designated referral partners varies for employers in Quebec, and therefore, also for applicants looking to work in that province. That list can be found in French on the website of Quebec’s Ministry of Immigration, Francisation, and Integration.


Companies looking to hire specific roles designated by the Global Talent Occupations List. This list, which may be updated periodically to reflect changing labour market needs and priorities, includes an expansive list of jobs that have been deemed in demand and appear to suffer from a lacking number of available workers domestically. Some of the Global Talent Occupations:


Computer and information systems managers

Web designers and developers

Computer network technicians

Workers in digital media and design


Wages in the Global Talent Stream

One of the most important elements of this program is the wages that employers pay to successful applicants.


There is a wage-related requirement that employers in either category must meet when bringing on foreign talent through the GTS. This requirement states that employers must pay workers at whichever of the following five rates is highest.


The occupation’s median wage on the Canadian government’s Job Bank.

The wage within the range that the employer pays to current employees(in the same position, at the same location, and with the same skills/experience.

The minimum wage floor determined by the Global Talent Occupations list(Category B)

An hourly salary that matches the prevailing wage for the occupation in question and amounts to no less than $80,000(for the first two positions requested under Category A)


How the Global Talent Stream benefits Canada & Canadians


The GTS benefits both Canadians and the country at large by requiring employers to develop a Labour Market Benefit Plan. This plan, established in conjunction with Employment and Social Development Canada(ESDC), identifies how the hiring of foreign talent through this program will work to benefit both Canadians and the country at large by requiring employers to develop a Labour Markets Benefit Plan. This plan. Established in conjunction with Employment and Social Development Canada(ESDC), identifies how the hiring of foreign talent through this program will work to benefit the Canadian labour market.


Additionally, these plans outline activities the employer will facilitate to encourage job creation or invest in skill development and training for Canadians(the “primary benefits” of the GTS).

More specifically, it is the responsibility of employers in category A to encourage job creation, either directly or indirectly, for Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Meanwhile Category B employers are accountable for increasing investments in skills and training for Canadians.


Employers in both categories, in addition to the above will need to undertake business activities for the purpose of fulfilling and additional two complimentary labour market benefits. These benefits include, but are not limited to, the following:


Transferring knowledge to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

Improving company performance.


The full list of activities that can be used to fulfill any labour market benefit can be reviewed on the Government of Canada’s website. For reference, however some of those activities include:


Hiring more Canadian citizens or permanent residents

Training current employees in new techniques

Creating paid co-op or internship programs for local students

Increasing revenue and investments


Finally, its worth clarifying that employers applying to hire talent in both categories will be required to commit to one activity related to each primary benefit- job creation and skill development/training as well as two complimentary benefits.  

For more information please feel free to contact me on :

CEO - OM Group of Companies

An ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Company & CRISIL AAA Rated Company 

Head Office: 2nd floor, Indraprasth Avenue, Next to Urjita Hospital, V.I.P. Road, Karelibaug, 
Vadodara-390018, Gujarat, INDIA

Phone:+91-265-2480840 / 2464464 /164
Mobile+91-999 8157 999 / 9601051799
Office: +91-922 765 6606 / 08 / 09 


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"Arise; Awake & Stop NOT till your GOAL is reached." -- Swami Vivekananda


Canadian govt has reduced work experience requirements for Caregivers & Nursing Assistants which provides Pathways to Permanent Residency confirmed by Vishal shah of OM International visa consultancy

 Canada to Reduce Work Experience Requirements For Caregivers                      & Provide Pathways to Permanent Residence

For decades, caregivers from abroad have played an invaluable role in supporting families in Canada. In recognizing their immense sacrifices, Canada has offered pathways to permanent residence in return.


On behalf of the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship, members of Parliament Salma Zahid and Rechie Valdez today announced that the amount of work experience in Canada required for a caregiver to qualify for permanent residence is being reduced from 24 months to 12 months. In addition, some spaces under the existing caregiver pathways have been reserved for caregivers who already have work experience in Canada from previous work permits that they are able to apply for permanent residence. The change will be effective as of April 30, 2023 and will be retrospective for caregivers who have already applied.


As a result, caregivers and their families will benefit from a faster path to permanent residence and successful settlement in Canada. By reducing the amount of work experience required in Canada. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada(IRCC) also intends to improve processing and applications. This update is expected to benefit around 90% of applications currently in processing, an advantage for both the caregivers who are just starting out and those who have been providing care in Canada already.


As we approach the end date of the existing caregiver programs, we will continue to make any necessary changes to show our appreciation to the caregivers who help reduce some of the stress in the lives of Canadian families in need. Work is underway on the future of caregiver programming to plan for what comes next after the pilots conclude in 2024.

For more information please feel free to contact me on :

CEO - OM Group of Companies

An ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Company & CRISIL AAA Rated Company 

Head Office: 2nd floor, Indraprasth Avenue, Next to Urjita Hospital, V.I.P. Road, Karelibaug, 
Vadodara-390018, Gujarat, INDIA

Phone:+91-265-2480840 / 2464464 /164
Mobile+91-999 8157 999 / 9601051799
Office: +91-922 765 6606 / 08 / 09 


W - /

"Arise; Awake & Stop NOT till your GOAL is reached." -- Swami Vivekananda



 Government of Canada Increases Sponsorship Opportunities for                               Sponsorship Agreement Holders

Canada continues to be a global leader in refugee resettlement and integration. Since the Private Sponsorship of Refugees (PSR) program was launched over 4 decades ago, Canadians and permanent residents have come together to offer protection and a safe, permanent home for tens of thousands of refugees each year. Key to the program’s success are over 130 organizations, known as sponsorship agreement holders(SAHs), who sponsor refugees year after year.


As the program continues to grow, so too has the number of these community organizations who want to support refugees. In recognition of this growth, the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, today announced that the number of refugees that SAHs can sponsor is increasing to 13,500 in 2023. This represents a 10-fold increase from when the cap was introduced in 2012, or an increase of 12,150 spaces available to SAHs.


The additional cap spaces will allow new SAHs to get their operations of the ground, while helping experienced organizations continue to grow. These organizations manage all aspects of the sponsorship process, from identifying refugees and submitting applications to providing critical support to sponsored newcomers.


The PSR Program complements Canada’s other 2 resettlement programs: the Government Assisted Refugee Program(GAR) and the Blended  Visa Office-Referred(BVOR) program. Together, they help Canada welcome more refugees each year than the Government of Canada could resettle alone and are one of the many ways Canada is working to achieve its goal of welcoming over 83,500 privately sponsored refugees by 2025.


Both Canada’s PSR and BVOR programs are models for other countries around the world. Through its participation in the Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative(GRSI), Canada encourages and supports the adoption and expansion of community sponsorship programs tailored to local needs. The GRSI has supported the development of programs in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, Spain, the United Kingdom and most recently the United States.

“Our government is increasing the number of refugees that can be sponsored by sponsorship agreement holders to 13,500, a 10-fold increase from when the cap was first introduced in 2012. Today’s announcement will support the vital work of these community organizations so they can continue helping refugees from around the world settle in Canada. I want to thank these partners, who make this program possible year after year. Your work is a testament to the compassion of Canadians, and we’re grateful for all that you do.”

         -SEAN FRASER, Minister of Immigration, refugees & Citizenship

For more information please feel free to contact me on :

CEO - OM Group of Companies

An ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Company & CRISIL AAA Rated Company 

Head Office: 2nd floor, Indraprasth Avenue, Next to Urjita Hospital, V.I.P. Road, Karelibaug, 
Vadodara-390018, Gujarat, INDIA

Phone:+91-265-2480840 / 2464464 /164
Mobile+91-999 8157 999 / 9601051799
Office: +91-922 765 6606 / 08 / 09 


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"Arise; Awake & Stop NOT till your GOAL is reached." -- Swami Vivekananda


 Advisory for Indian Students Going Abroad for Education to Canada


1. Please check the credentials of the University/Institution before applying for admission and before making any payment towards admission/tuition fee etc. There are several instances where prospective students have made large payments to institutions which were not recognized by the Canadian Government. Their visa requests were turned down by the Canadian Consular offices in India because of these reasons. Payments of fees etc. were also not refunded to them on various technical pretexts. There have been instances of some institutions being closed down. If necessary, make reference to the Indian Diplomatic Missions/Posts in Canada.


2. Ensure that after getting admission in the college/university, necessary immigration formalities are completed.


3. Get registered with the nearest Indian Diplomatic Mission/Post as soon as possible upon arrival in Canada.


4. Obey local laws to avoid any trouble.


5. Have medical insurance, as cost on medical treatments is prohibitive in Canada.


6. If you are flying for the first time, visit the website of the airport to familiarize yourself so that you do not miss the connecting flight as the time between connecting flight may be very short.  


7. If you are staying in an intermediate city for more than three days or 72 hours before you reach your destinations, then please do reconfirm your seat.


8. English testing on line is mandatory for all students admitted to educational institutions.


9. Accommodation, both in the hostel or outside,is very expensive.

10. It is not necessary that for post graduate courses equivalence of Indian degrees will be accepted. This may be checked before admission procedure is started.


11. Students are not granted open work permit by the authorities here. They are generally allowed to work for up to 20 hours a week. However, it is not easy to find part time work.


12. Weather in Canada is very extreme with winter season lasting from October to April with temperature  going down to -25C to -30C with heavy snow fall.


13. Though Canada is a multi-cultural society, there is a vast cultural gap between India and Canada. This results in students feeling lonely and hence sick during the first months after their arrival.


14. Distance between India and Canada is another factor which should be kept in mind. Even in an emergency it takes more than 25 hours to reach India.


15. There are no non-stop flights between Canada and India.


16. Visit the website of the city/cities of your destination. Most of the cities have got their websites. It gives the details among other things of the locations of the colleges/universities and recreation facilities.




1. Not to carry prohibited items such as drugs, weapons, etc.


2. Take personal precautions. Do not be friendly with strangers, and others whose antecedents are not known to you.


3. Keep away from illegal activities, including gang activities.

For more information please feel free to contact me on :

CEO - OM Group of Companies

An ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Company & CRISIL AAA Rated Company 

Head Office: 2nd floor, Indraprasth Avenue, Next to Urjita Hospital, V.I.P. Road, Karelibaug, 
Vadodara-390018, Gujarat, INDIA

Phone:+91-265-2480840 / 2464464 /164
Mobile+91-999 8157 999 / 9601051799
Office: +91-922 765 6606 / 08 / 09 


W - /

"Arise; Awake & Stop NOT till your GOAL is reached." -- Swami Vivekananda



Saturday, March 18, 2023

 Global Talent Stream: Bringing Highly Skilled Foreign Tech Talent To                                                      Canada

Canada currently has north of one million job vacancies across the country. These job vacancies are spread throughout nearly every employment sector, which is why Canada has created several programs to aid employers with hiring foreign talent .


One such program, specific to highly skilled foreign professionals in the tech industry, is the Global Talent Stream(GTS).


The GTS is a fast-tracked program employers can use to bring foreign talent to this country and allow them to utilize their skills in the service of helping innovative Canadian companies grow.


Part of Canada’s larger Global Talent Strategy and contained within the Temporary Foreign Worker Program(TFWP), the GTS expedites the processing of work permit applications and temporary residents visas(if applicable) so that qualified applicants can start working in around two weeks from the date of submission.


Accordingly, this program also works to benefit the general Canadian tech landscape, as it ensures that organizations in this space can quickly access the talent they need to continue to thrive.



Note: Two exemptions under the Global Talent Stream enable certain applicants to enter Canada without a work permit.


First, “highly-skilled workers in skill type 0 or skill level A occupations of the NOC” will not require a permit under this program if they are working in Canada for a period of 15 days over six months or 30 days over 12 months.


Additionally, researchers coming to Canada will not need a work permit should they be working in Canada for a period of 120 days over 12 months “on research projects at a publicly-funded degree-granting institution or affiliated research institution.”



Breaking down the Global Talent Stream

Under the Global Talent Stream, there are two categories:


Category A

High-growth companies who are referred to the GTS by one over 40 designated referral partners (in Canada, excluding Quebec) and can demonstrate the need to hire “unique specialized talent from abroad.”


The list of designated referral partners varies for employers in Quebec, and therefore, also for applicants looking to work in that province. That list can be found in French on the website of Quebec’s Ministry of Immigration, Francisation , and integration.


Category B

Companies looking to hire for specific roles designated by the Global Talent Occupations List. This list, which may be updated periodically to reflect changing labour market needs and priorities,includes and expansive list of jobs that have been deemed in demand and appear to suffer form a lacking number of available workers domestically.

Some occupations on the Global Talent Occupations.


List for Category B include:

Computer and information systems mangers

Web designers and developers

Computer network technicians

Workers in digital media and design


The full list of Occupations for this category can be found here.


Wages in the Global Talent Stream

One of the most important elements of this program is the wages that employers pay to successful applicants.


There is a wage-related requirement that employers in either category must meet when bringing on foreign talent through GTS. This requirement states that employers must pay workers at whichever of the following five rates is highest.


The occupation’s median wage on the Canadian government’s Job Bank.

The wage within the range that the employer pays to current employees(in the same position, at the same location,and with the same skills/experience)

The minimum wage floor determined by the Global Talent Occupations list (category B)

An hourly salary that matches the prevailing wage for the occupation in question and amounts to no less than $80,000(for the first two positions requested under category A)

For more information please feel free to contact me on :

CEO - OM Group of Companies

An ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Company & CRISIL AAA Rated Company 

Head Office: 2nd floor, Indraprasth Avenue, Next to Urjita Hospital, V.I.P. Road, Karelibaug, 
Vadodara-390018, Gujarat, INDIA

Phone:+91-265-2480840 / 2464464 /164
Mobile+91-999 8157 999 / 9601051799
Office: +91-922 765 6606 / 08 / 09 


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"Arise; Awake & Stop NOT till your GOAL is reached." -- Swami Vivekananda